Dear Low self-esteem, courage is a better lover!

I just lost a couple of weight on my belly, sound exciting right? Well, that’s how I felt the last couple of days until I found something new that reminded me I’m not good enough. ‘Relationship goals’ ever had such kind of vibe when scrolling through Instagram? Trust me you’re not alone on this one.Continue reading “Dear Low self-esteem, courage is a better lover!”


The following piece is about a man ( the stereotypical Kevo’s and Brayos) who is about to be lynched by angry villagers after being found sleeping with other peoples partners. The piece strives to depict other dangers of sleeping around apart from contracting HIV and STI’s. Bwana chief, If you appease this angry villagers, BeforeContinue reading “BWANA CHIEF”

Breaking Shackles

I am going to take you through a series of breaking mental shackles this month and we start with the two most common yet ignored ones, Doubt and Regret. Have you ever had a situation where you were filled with doubt or regret over an action you had taken or a decision you had made?Continue reading “Breaking Shackles”

Thinking Out Loud.

It’s moving from bad to worse each single day. From a strange disease to a new one. From one drug to another. From this friend leaving and another added and another one complaining. What’s life? Is it adding friends, is it losing them? Is it nursing mental illness and depression? Being happy today and sadContinue reading “Thinking Out Loud.”

How to stop overthinking

There is little hope for us until we become tough-minded enough to break loose from mental shackles. Chronic overthinkers rehash conversations they had yesterday, second-guess every decision they make, and imagine disastrous outcomes all day every day. Thinking too much about something often involves more than words overthinkers conjure up disastrous images too. Overthinking oftenContinue reading “How to stop overthinking”